
At the same time, I do acknowledge that Euro-centric science does have a downside in its tendency to reject non-European methods (like some medicine) out of hand regardless of its effectiveness. 

Your average white doctor likely isn't going to know how to treat culturally specific medical/mental conditions such as Dhat syndrome, but such things are still the scientific field even if the methods are worth challenging. Though all that existed before science also and it is not unique to the European culture.

Science does of course have a lot of limitations and i do not think that the scientific method is even applicable to humans (psychology is seen by some to be pseudoscientific and not very useful)

However,  I think a lot of the critique about science neglects that there is some degree of progress that is being made. We would never have gotten to the Moon if we didn’t understand something about our world.

Yes white culture has been influenced by scientific thought. It's slightly responsible for why your local Internet rager thinks it's important that no one tell him he can't say offensive words.

I don’t really see this flyer as just an “emphasis” on the scientific method or objectivity or reason, but more of a weaponization of such things. 

White reason might look different from black reason in some regards (like race science laundering, phrenology etc) 

It is understandable that the ways in which irrationality accusations can be a sort of victim blaming (like But none of this line of thinking discredits "objective rational linear thinking" as a useful thing. This flyer wrongly and insultingly claims that things like statistics are foreign to black ways of knowing

The word "emphasis" in this flyer is slippery. It would be more clear, if this flyer specified emphasis over what. 

Its claim that white america overvalues scientific rationality is defensible to some people, yes, but it only has any force if you can clarify what it is giving short shrift to. 


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