
Showing posts from December, 2023

Modded progsvive

I am not a mainstream Progressive. But the only socially mainstream progressive things that I have a major bone to pick with and that I am not on board with are:  1) Hookup culture. I for the most part believe that people need to focus on building long lasting relationships and getting married (I am against sexual promiscuity). At least that is how the most common template should be until we reimagine marriage by reigning in a Marxist society and thus abolishing marriage as the norm or at least until we get the government out of the marriage business by privatizing it (see  here  for more) 2) The over emphasis on idpol. I am against the over emphasis on idpol In * reality  I don’t really care about human rights since human rights are a * bourgeois concept  that at times are used to defend the right ( *see here ) Personally and legality wise, I am morally apolitically progressive on human rights (as noted below in my Mark Twain moral evolution quote and  this meme ) . We are all born wi

right left synth

  Post Post Rightism -Far Left synthesis:    Ultranational Communism -    National Communism on Steroids/  National Stalinism/  Wagner Maoism


 Recuperation and the Left-Wing of Capital Historically, the vast majority of leftist theory and practice has functioned as a loyal opposition to capitalism. Leftists have been (often vociferously) critical of particular aspects of capitalism, but always ready to reconcile themselves with the broader international capitalist system whenever they’ve been able to extract a bit of power, partial reforms — or sometimes, just the vague promise of partial reforms. For this reason leftists have often been quite justifiably criticized (by both ultra-leftists and by anarchists) as the left wing of capital. It’s not just a problem that those leftists who claim to be anti-capitalist don’t really mean it, although some have consciously used such lies to gain positions of power for themselves in opposition movements. The major problem is that leftists have incomplete, self-contradictory theories about capitalism and social change. As a result their practice always tends towards the recuperation (or

Socialism over natism

 I feel that Socialism is better than Nationalism without adjectives as Socialism is the heart of a post National world and creates better solidarity than Nationalism without adjectives and all forms of Right wing Nationalisms. However, every socialist movement had essential components of nationalism. This post by me expands on this


In a parody, Trans inclusive sort of way to mock Transgender related topics exactly like r/transgendercirclejerk members do so  To have this line of thought on Queer issues: In the distant future, IF the Left Wingers , Progressives, and Democrats turn on gays and say that being gay is wrong and that gay rights (including same sex marriage) are wrong from a Left Wing, Progressive and Democrat perspective (like maybe along the lines of future woke views that being gay isn't real because sex is a social construct, similar to the  Queer Theory  view which denies essentially that there is homosexuality or lesbianism or if homosexuals are labeled sexist for not dating women *or saying that supporting gay rights is homophobic [where I would have  this type of view on gay rights ]) instead of a Right Wing, Conservative and Christian perspective, in that hypothetical future, I would be forced to join those other hypothetical future Left wingers and Progressives and Democrats in this paradi

Postiontel alignment details of soc prog cult con latter

To oscillate between being  pro life in all but a name/lean pro choice  for second trimester abortion and being “pro choice” as well as “anti abortion” for second trimester abortions (“pro choice” as well as “anti abortion” means when said person personally oscillate to this view, while they are personally pro choice for second trimester abortions, they personally want the government to reduce the number of second trimester abortions by increasing availability of other options [like child leave, universal childcare etc] instead of establishing regulations on second trimester abortion).  To oscillate between being generally and conditionally (which is mere formalities) pro choice for mid term abortion because they believe that human zygotes are destined to be spontaneously aborted anyway so they are ok with aborting those human zygotes and being in between  third political position  pro choice and  Evictionism  on mid term abortion. When they oscillate to the latter view they believe at


Omni-Ideologism (i.e IsmIsm/  Polcompball Anarchy Wiki model) Ideolody shopper 500+ Ideology in 1  Thought Thought Neologism (more serious name) Meta-ideology Ideology merger Absolute ideological synthesis Post-Post Anarcho-Queer-islamism-ego-JudeoXtian-Right Wing sect of the  Red Army Faction - transhumanism with kakistocratic characteristics Thus I do that by me mixing the ideologies below: Post Second Political Theory  (MyTrueandRealPoliticalViews My real political idpol and idealogue views) HyperpoliticalLane Budget and Ideology personable political viewpoints Fiscal Truality Politiconomicism Private Monetary Culturalism / At Heart Mixiology Symbiosis Political Theory  (ToRepoConMenWomen My political typology)

Degrowth fem economic authomics core

 One way is to Implement  Degrowth  to fight climate change (like  here ) Use Degrowth to build on newly implemented Feminist economics (like above) . Make sure this Degrowth criticizes measures of economic growth (like the GDP) and have Degrowth avoid excluding work that is mainly done by women such as unpaid care work, work performed to fulfill people's needs, reproductive work, work sustaining life etc.  Use a type of Degrowth that would draw on the critique of socialist feminists who claim that capitalist growth builds on the exploitation of women’s work. Instead of devaluing womens work, use Degrowth to center the economy around care, proposing that care work should be organized as a commons. So this would include centering care with changing society’s time regimes including a working time reduction in line with this equally along with the redistribution of care work to lead to gender justice One model within Degrowth to use would be a 4-in-1-perspective which proposes 4 hours

Lefty wing progr

    Meowxism  - We differ greatly in the civic axis, and I am definitely not a fan of Stalin, but Marxism is great and I love the sincere left-wing progressivism. I also really like Sankara and Che despite not being a ML.

what center left mainpage new

Center Opposite Low Positive lean    Old Left  

Libs meshing view for alt modernist section

Purple Labourism / Socialist Liberal Democracy  + the only good form of  Latte Liberalism  (which is Afro Pessim ism /Fred Moten's  Black Optimism/Black Operation )  in coalitions with  Libe ralism 1 . 0  AND Radical Liberaltarianism Classical Feminism  (which translates to a Renewal Sociological Leftist variant of  Millism )    F Fukuyamaism Collapse   Anti-Authoritarianism  Anti-Communism  Anti-Putinism  Anti-Socialism  Anti-Trumpism   Classical Liberalism  (Self-proclaimed)   Globalism   Green Liberalism   Liberal Nationalism   Neoconservatism  (Formerly)   Neoliberalism   Social Liberalism   Third Way   Ciudadanism Collapse   Atlanticism  Anti-Nationalism   Civic Nationalism   Cultural Liberalism   Green Liberalism   Social Liberalism     Liberal Feminism   Radical Centrism  (including  Big Tentism )

Dark Brandon left and co

Zuckbuck model to use bipartisan front groups to secretly help the Democratic Party win elections PLUS Satirical/Ironic-Post Ironic  Dark Brandonism     Dark Brandonism Collapse  Anti-Trumpism   Bidenism   Bidens Hyperborea   Eco-Authoritarianism   Authoritarian    Ec onomic Nationalist   Capitalism on steroids  (according to    Twitter conservatives ) [3]   Social Authoritarianism   State Liberalism

444orioeiotr possint polanarchy

A post-capitalist, fourth-position, and market-oriented ideology, which seeks to establish a balance between liberalism, socialism, and left wing fascism - principally through the means of increased financialization. It supports policies that develop a harmonious equilibrium between liberty, welfare, and grandeur; these include items such as a national savings fund, portable benefits, OneID, negative income taxes, externality-centric taxation, etc. The following political philosophies undergird aspects of the ideology; capitalism, corporatism, futurism, Platonism, etc. Additionally, this type of fourth position supports ideas such as universal human rights, a parallelist monetary system, the importance of aesthetics, cooperative globalism, myth and security-centric nationhood, proactionarism, etc.

Left true left alt

As the Alt Right is to the Right Wing , the real Alt Left is to the Left Wing Alt Left is an    O f f   Comp ass   Outer Left  Unity ideology and associated with  Reddit Left Anarchism Includes a     Left Wing Alt Lite  faction A real Alt Left, as in an Alt version of: A real left wing position is to be socially egalitarian  (I am a social egalitarian) and to NOT BE asset based Egalitarian (which means the social liberals, progressives and trade unionists in the US are not left wing egalitarian since they support Thomas Paine asset based Egalitarian which is liberal wing. To be left wing egalitarian you have to support  Social egalitarianism In the United States, leftists such as  social liberals ,  progressives  and  trade unionists  were influenced by the works of  Thomas Paine , who introduced the concept of  asset-based egalitarianism  which theorises that  social equality  is possible by a redistribution of resources. After the  Reconstruction  era in the aftermath of the  Americ