Degrowth fem economic authomics core

 One way is to Implement Degrowth to fight climate change (like here)

Use Degrowth to build on newly implemented Feminist economics (like above) . Make sure this Degrowth criticizes measures of economic growth (like the GDP) and have Degrowth avoid excluding work that is mainly done by women such as unpaid care work, work performed to fulfill people's needs, reproductive work, work sustaining life etc. 

Use a type of Degrowth that would draw on the critique of socialist feminists who claim that capitalist growth builds on the exploitation of women’s work.

Instead of devaluing womens work, use Degrowth to center the economy around care, proposing that care work should be organized as a commons.

So this would include centering care with changing society’s time regimes including a working time reduction in line with this equally along with the redistribution of care work to lead to gender justice

One model within Degrowth to use would be a 4-in-1-perspective which proposes 4 hours of wage work a day, freeing time for 4 hours of care work, 4 hours of political activities in a direct democracy all within Degrowth in addition to 4 hours of personal development through learning.

Use the type of Degrowth which draws on materialist ecofeminisms which claim a parallel of the exploitation of women and nature in growth-based societies and would propose a subsistence perspective conceptualized by Maria Mies and Ariel Salleh.

This would further include identifying synergies and opportunities for cross-fertilization between degrowth and feminism as advanced in the future, with these two discoures being connected through networks that would include the Feminisms and Degrowth Alliance (FaDA). -The liberation of women is the liberation of Mother Earth

Embrace the relevant concept within this Degrowth which is decolonialism .This refers to putting an end to the perpetuation of political, social, economic, religious, racial, gender, and epistemological relations of power, domination, and hierarchy of the global north over the global south.

The foundation of this relationship would lie in understanding that the imminent socio-ecological collapse was caused by capitalism, which due to economic growth is sustained

This economic growth can only be maintained under the eaves of colonialism and extractivism, which perpetuate asymmetric power relationships between territories. Colonialism in this system is understood as the appropriation of common goods, resources and labor, which do not align with degrowth principles.

Create some feminist spaces that integrate what could be called an "anarcha-feminist" or anti-patriarchy critique into the overarching anti-civilization perspective.  Also something like this type of post left Anarchis feminism to embrace somewhere

Using Autonomism, when becoming left wing on socioeconomic issues as I ask you to be, apply a broader definition of the working class to also include besides wage-earning workers (both white collar and blue collar), also the unwaged (students, unemployed people, homemakers, etc.), that are traditionally deprived of any form of union representation.

This includes embracing the idea that modern society's wealth is produced by unaccountable collective work, and only a little of that wealth is redistributed to the workers via wages. Also put an emphasis of the importance of feminism and the value of unpaid female labor to capitalist society.

Through Autonomism, have the Republicans see that Capitalism is a hardened irrational system and then assume the workers' viewpoint, to privilege their activity as the lever of revolutionary passage which alone can construct a libertarian-egalitarian anarchist society (left wing society)

Using Autonomism, see economics as being entirely political, make economic relations be the direct political relations of force between class subjects. Make the initiative for political change to reside within the social worker’s economic category and not in an alienated political form like the Republican party


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