Anarcho Comredetarteian Liberation Socialism

 Anarcho Comredetarteian Liberation Socialism  :A transition to an Anarcho Collective Liberal society by first using some combination of Marxism Leninism , Leninism, Luxemburgism, with help from Anarcho Syndicalists , to establish a Mythological Socialism (with elements of Free Market Libertarianism based on a model of proprietary communitarianism and meme Stalinism) society which would then accelerate us into our Anarcho Collective Liberal society

To get to our future Anarcho Collective Liberalism society we need to use a combination of Luxemburgian, Marxism Leninism, Leninism and Anarcho Syndicalism 

To begin this transition to an eventual Anarcho Collective Liberal society, we would need the type of rage that was done by Left Wing Democratic Revolution protestors in Chile in the late 2010s to enforce revolution and to solidify the creation of a vanguard party. 

 we would need the type of rage that was done by Left Wing Democratic Revolution protestors in Chile in the late 2010s to enforce revolution and to solidify the creation of a vanguard party. 

This vanguard party would also be partly composed of Anarchist type organizations and collectives or affinity groups (like Black Army, CNT-FAI etc),  that include Anarcho syndicalists who would use these methods in addition to traditional vanguard party methods. 

This revolution would lead to a Dictatorship of the Proletariat that would either have Democratic worker councils and unions or would have a People’s Democracy  (a multi-class and multi-party democracy) the latter of which would also include low class, petite bourgeoisie and progressive bourgeoisie within it. 

Though there might be a real Dictatorship of the Proletariat, but if it is used it would be strong, hold society together, and root out perps and similar forms of counter revolutionaries using Stasi methods 

This coalition would have include diverse forces from a huge part of the political spectrum (unite both sides and the world’s traditional religions in a common struggle/strategy against the common enemy via a concrete instance) . It would basically be a pact of cooperation people may differ between each other, but they are always present

The Democratic worker councils and unions would have legal protections and resist and fight against divisive counter revolutionaries that are influenced by the global liberal elite.

Eventually the state would control the means of production,  promote collectivism, and pave the way for a our next type Socialist society and then Anarcho Collective Liberal society

New Libertartarian Middle Class Communism would be a significant part of this society

As would Comrade Waluigi's idea below

 There would be privatized voluntary rent in this system 

There would be mutualist obligations between landlords and tenants on the land (under 'the Democratic Party/Big Tent Neoliberal Capitalist system of the landlords' buying up land and homes in Hawaii during the 2023 Maui fires' type system)

Moreover there would be elements of OneidaCom fused with Anabaptist Rollin' Stone communal grided living in some parts of this society 

In this Anarcho Collective Liberalism society, the state (and by extension equal distrubutation of wealth) would be abolished/dismantled (and there would be effectively no real taxes implemented ;the most anti tax fringe of the Tea Party idealized low taxes would be the only ones really implemented, this is because taxes are like theft and stock of present goods of the individuals affected and makes investment less rewarding)  There would be a reserve government adjacent that would be used only to step in ever so slightly to make sure society functions

In this Anarcho Collective Liberalism society, there would be a capitalist socialization of production, but only in a way that would be distorted. It would rely on cooperation, but ignore that the means of production are private. The means of production belongs to corporations.

This would place an emphasis on cooperative long term relationships, that would result in an economy that would be directed by "relational markets". 

This would include interlocking share ownership, where companies would own shares in other companies; which would result in a spirit of cooperation between the involved companies, due to each of them having an interest in the other's performance. This would result in stable ownership, which would lessen the potential for hostile takeovers and also "friendly" competition; companies would be encouraged to excel but for others’ benefit as well as themselves

These things would be market based and privatized: Security and national defense, education, healthcare, banking and currency (a GONGO established by the reserve government adjacent would uses make make sure the privatized control the money is fair) and somewhat some or most roads than we have in the US now 

Law enforcement would be publicly-privately owned (in a modern China type way), but the people would have the option to give law enforcement charity and treat it as if it's really private)

Workers would traditionally expect more from their employers than they do now in western countries, including job security (often for life) , pensions and social protection. This system would be like peoplism

The use of force, when not employed in self-defense, would be unjustified

Coercion in this set up would be as any initiation force, or threat thereof, over the property of another individual (which includes their body).

There would be a natural right to own oneself and the appropriate natural resources that one employs before anyone else (i.e one's private property). It’s impossible to establish universal ethical norms if one is to deny this fact,

In this system, any form of theft is illegitimate (though, depending on the case, some may argue not necessarily immoral) and in the same vein any regulation on individuals' behavior or control over their property which doesn't result from a contractually-binding, voluntary relationship would be illegitimate

Since in this system, majority rule wouldn’t be seen as a legitimate form of electing representatives (since voluntary contracts must be unanimous) since there is no legitimate contract that binds the government and citizens together, let alone one that everyone has signed

The Commons Dividend fused with an UBI model (the system used in Alaska being the ‘closest’ approximation of this)  would be used as social safety nets along with a quasi private charity workfarist method. Quasi private charities would be set up to help struggling Americans. These charities would rely on private donations from Americans to help other Americans (Americans would be heavily motivated to do so) but in a workfarist sort of way. It would provide food, shelter and utilities for people in times of need (like winter, or hot summers).  


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