Lefty rightism


Left Wing Rightism is a Left wing version of Right Wing ideology ("The more things change, the more they stay the same.")

It is an Egalitarianism, and hierachyless form of right wing ideology

Post "Left" (non Anarchism) which aligns with the GOP politically

Like the Indivisible movement is a lefy version of the Tea Party movement

 Left-Wing Conservatism (see here, here, here) or (see here, here, here, here, here) or (see here)

City-State Municipalism Building Socialistic Tendency (Docuamentslistmeroer's Left Wing Conservative Revolution)

File:Progconsoc.pngProgressive Conservative Socialism File:ProgConSoc.png

Post Left Anarchism

Late-Stage Orwell

 Anarcho-Conservative Liberalism (Some)

 Utopic Liberalism i.e Anarcho Capitalism (By  Henry de Lesquen)

Capitalist Realism (Acid Communism)

Bleeding Heart Libertarianism

 Social Gospel (Christian Democracy)

 Compassionate Conservatism (Christian Democracy)

 Democratic Positive Christianity
 John Paul II Thought

 Solidarity (Christian Democracy)

Marxian Post Liberalism

Capitalist Transhumanism (Space X)

 Authoritarian Left-Libertarian Right Unity i.e Capitalist Communism (By  PCM)

Progressive Authoritarianism (Bonapartism)

Left-wing symbols, but right-wing politics.

 Paleoprogressivism (Bull Moose Progressivism)

 American Progressive Conservatism (Bull Moose Progressivism)
Left-Wing Republican (Bull Moose Progressivism)

Nolanism/ Coward Right (Bleeding Heart Libertarinaism)

Socialist Right (According to some)  

These types of Left Wing Rightist ideologies

Democratic Party social conservatism pre 1968 party switch

Free Market Anti Capitalism/ Left Wing Laissez Faire

Left Libertarian Classical Liberalism/ Kevin Carson Left Libertarian Classical Liberalism

Left Wing National Conservatism

Big Tent Liberal One Nation Conservative Left Populism

Triderism including:

 Conservative Jacobinism

 Geo-Progressive Conservatism
 Geo-Conservatism  ( Right-Wing KMT)

 Chinese Revolutionary Progressive Conservatism

School of Thought

 Post-Neoliberalism of Social Capitalism

 Fourth Way /Fifth Political Position

   Left UltraNat Communism


Third Way ideology:

 Neolib-Soclib Synthesis

Brahmatic Left (by Thomas Piketty)


 Keir Starmerism

Progressive Neoliberalism

Paternalistic Neoliberalism

 Social Hawkism

Social Liberalism 2.0
Neoliberal Social Capitalism

Imperialist Social Capitalism

 Pink Social Capitalism Woke Capitalism (Modern
 Post New Labourism ( One-Nation Labour)

 Chicagoan Social Liberalism
Keynesian Neoliberalism

Triangulation (In the US)

 Keynesian School-Chicago School Synthesis
 New-Neoclassical Synthesis

 Ant Giddenism
 Barack Obamaism
 TonMarge Blatcherism


Far Left/Far Right Synthesis nat bol Minarcho Neo-Bolshevism (by  Neo-Bolshevism)

 Left-Neoliberalism  which is a left version of Neoliberalism, including a Left version of:

a Left version of Classical Big Tent Liberalism

a Left version of Modern Classical Liberalism

A left version of  New-Neoclassical synthesis

A Left version of  Macronism 


Mladorossism Monarcho-Progressivism/ Progressive Absolutism (Enlightened Absolutim)

Militant Moderate Dealigned Right Wing

Conservative Liberalism:

 Right-Wing Liberalism

 Economically liberal, socially conservative

 Fusionism Lite

  A Progressive that Missed the Bus

 Liberal Conservatism (Erroneously)
 Conservative Neoliberalism (Most, modern)

 Pragmatic Conservatism  (In  Australia)

 Blue Dog Democrats (some)

 Reformist Liberalism 

Moderate Rightism/ Austro Third Campism- Pseudo-Liberalism

Gaullism/ Corporatism /Bismarckism

 French Left-conservatism

 Left-Wing Traditionalism

Left Wing Anarcho Capitalism

Regressive Left

European NewLeft Liberalism


Quasi Centrism/ Centrism

r/moderatepolitics model

 Left-Wing Reactionaryism

Classical Left-Liberalism (Radicalism)

Men's Liberation (as a left wing version of the Manosphere)

State Liberalism/ Reformism  Fusion Reformism


Left Anarcho Monarchism

 Sahra Wagenknecht


 Progressive-Conservative Authoritarianism (Bonapartism)

Fourth Political Theory including


Fourth Position

If the Far-Left and the Far-Right had a child

Meta-Modernist Reactionarism ("New hope")

 Welfare Darwinism including:

 Left-Right Populism Synthesis

 Center-Left Ultranationalism

Om Gaddafism/ Baathism

nRx including

 Reactionary Enlightenment
 Counter-Enlightenment 2.0
 Progressive Counter-Enlightenment

 Progressive State Hoppeanism
 Progressive Reactionaryism
 Neo-Progressive Conservatism

 Post-Right Libertarianism

Left /Acc/ Futurism

Pol Potism Lite and or Pol Potism 


4th International Posadist
"That type of Communism with Aliens and Nukes"
 Communist Noveltism
Literally Star Trek
Fallout Model
Apocalyptic Communism
 Esoteric Communism
Schizophrenic Communism
 Global Neo-Jacobinism
 "Leftists last argument" 
 Lunacy as an ideology (by everyone)
 Shcherbytsky's true form


 AuthLeft (Hated by almost everyone in it)

 Culturally Off-Left
 Socialists (Hated and feared by everyone in it)
 Communists (Hated and feared by almost everyone in it)
 Internationalists (Hated and feared by everyone in it)

Right Wing mask on Left Wing politiks

As mentioned here sort of, and also here

Authoritarian SJW wokeness/woke puritianism like mentioned here, here  (like when a strict librarian tells someone to be quiet,  but replace librarian with woke authoirtarian and replace the be quiet part with 'use the correct pronouns' or 'be pc'

I guess what I am looking for is Syncretism. Sometimes, political leaders utilize both left-wing (i.e. progressive) and right-wing (i.e. conservative) ideas in their platform.

This ideology usually this manifests as populism without adjectivesUpPale/No Labels wing of the US Populist Party

Stupidpol reddit thread saying how woke idpol in the US is like Ethno nationalism in Europe ""idpol in the US","aligns with ethnonationalism in Europe"

Left right switcharoos like mentioned here, here, here, here, here (Economist Nov 2023),here , here (Medium) like Successor Ideology, Peter Thiel-JD Vance Common Good Conservative/Post LiberalismPost "Left" (non Anarchism) which aligns with the GOP politically

Quebec in Canada has a history of parties and movements that have interesting mixes of left and right

in my blog 1 sphere like here, here

And Glenn Greenwald points out these switcharoos more here

unfortunately many very left wing social positions are now considered "conservative" due to the excesses of the liberal left (and much of the illiberal left)



Like working class =Left Liberal to Right Wing, Northeast Liberal Right Wing to Democratic Liberal

All-Liberal Alliance (Big Tent Liberalism)
Fusion liberalism (Big Tent Liberalism)

Illibeal Democracy:

The r/niceguys subreddit[1]

 Inverted Totalitarianism (by Sheldon Wolin)
Hybrid Regime

 Benevolent Dictatorship (Somewhat erroneously)

 Post-Liberal Democracy ( Authoritarian Liberal Democracy)


 Archaic Revival

Primitive Transhumanism


 Conservative Transhumanism
 Primal Post-Humanism
 Earth after Great Expulsion (Orion's Arm)

 Social Neoliberalism (Third Way)

Fordism (non bad type):

Acid Neoliberalism

Post-State Liberalism
The Wolf Of Wall Street

Statlib on Soma

Late-Stage Corporatocracy

 Neoliberal Dystopia/Utopia

 Late Stage  Utopianism
 WEF unmasked

centrism/moderare rightism


anti centrism

i start with looking at Canadian politics as i have heard that the left wing is very conservative (somehow) over there

Left wing conservatism and progressive conservative socialism is contrary to itself. Can’t have left wing conservatism because left is a result of the radical French Revolution and the hippie movement which is contradictory to conservative ideology. And progressive and socialists are contradictory to conservative ideals.


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