
Showing posts from March, 2024

Crime in NYC is sexist Part 2 perspective

The real reason these women are being assaulted in NYC is not due to crime or BIPOC persons/Muslims, or migration but due to the fact that men exist and that our society is male patriarchal and  built on anti women and anti feminity structures  .  I echo similar perspectives here Though NYC's extremely bad and soft on crime criminal justice system who wrongly allows predators and other serial criminal thugs to be released time and time again like this monster was (and with their pussified bond laws to boot) is almost as big of a reason but fixing that and making NYC like Rudy Guilaini wants on crime would only mask the real threat to women in NYC, Europe etc: MEN So the way I see it, the problem is not really criminals or migrants , but rather the problem is men of all colors, religions/irreligions, statuses, identities etc.   Men of all colors, religions/irreligions, statuses, identities etc.are greater scope and greatest threat to women in NYC, Europe, everywhere.  So the migrant

Crime in NYC is sexist Part 1 perspective

 New York City's crime has gotten so out of control, people, especially women are getting randomly punched in the face . Women face dangers in NYC from these alleged criminals because Alvin Bragg has his own way of doing things but is too stubborn to crack down on crime waves like in NYC to prevent things like this I break with my fellow Libertarians and post (left) feminists comrades on the following:  I support having the government protect these women in NYC from these attacks and as such I will throw anything against the wall and hope that it sticks so to speak to end this violence epidemic against women, including expanding the violence against women act to make sure these sexist attacks against women never happen again  New York City needs to start cracking down on repeat offenders and making it hard or impossible for criminals accused of any physical related felony to get bail. The thug who assaulted those women in NYC should have been in prison not on the street.  NYC incl

on deck links I agree with these r/stupidpol posters on Wikipedia ,and related points mentioned in said thread below here More stuff from here I will put into other posts "See this is the thing, no. He was doing Marxist cultural analysis. That still has a page, and it's got a redirect at the top. The "cultural marxist" is the rights attempt at courting younger people, typically men, as the "cultural marxist" is what is the source of their grievance, and when there's plenty of obnoxious college age dipshits who call themselves marxist while being massive cunts to people from perceived moral highground, it becomes easier to sucker in the politically uninitiated because the analysis appears to be correct at first glance. But in reality, the people they're typically pissed at are lib