Crime in NYC is sexist Part 1 perspective

 New York City's crime has gotten so out of control, people, especially women are getting randomly punched in the face . Women face dangers in NYC from these alleged criminals because Alvin Bragg has his own way of doing things but is too stubborn to crack down on crime waves like in NYC to prevent things like this

I break with my fellow Libertarians and post (left) feminists comrades on the following: 

I support having the government protect these women in NYC from these attacks and as such I will throw anything against the wall and hope that it sticks so to speak to end this violence epidemic against women, including expanding the violence against women act to make sure these sexist attacks against women never happen again 

New York City needs to start cracking down on repeat offenders and making it hard or impossible for criminals accused of any physical related felony to get bail. The thug who assaulted those women in NYC should have been in prison not on the street.  NYC including Alvin Bragg should apologize to these women for allowing a criminal who should have been in prison to attack them

This is how wokeness and soft on crime stuff (at least in our current system) backfire.

I am a feminist and these misogynist attacks on women as seen in NYC is absolutely evil and we need to catch those sexist violent pigs who hurt women and put them in prison 

We need to get FANTIFA involved to help protect their fellow women and we need to hunt down these women abusers who hurt women and bring them to justice. We need to have zero tolerance for the animals who assault women like the animals who have assaulted Bethany Frankel in NYC recently and the others she mentioned in this tik tok vid

Assaulting anyone especially women is a sign of a society that has lost its way, heart and soul. Women hold up half the sky (Mao quote) and we need to stop these sexist attacks on them like the ones that happened to Bethany Frankel and mentioned in her TikTok video and we need to make the women abusers pay for their assault and bring them to justice.

They caught one of the perps so I am glad. That perp should have their bond set at 80,000 USD and if released be forced to stay in a half way house guarded by FBI agents until trial. Otherwise since this/these punchers are abusers they really should be in prison until trial (but then again innocent until proven guilty, if jurors say this or they are innocent then I must accept that and I would) peace love harmony

I think these are hate crimes against women plain and simple and we need to make an example of these women abusers who hit women like the ones in NYC who assaulted the women mentioned 

I stand in solidarity with these women who are the victims of these savage attacks by these violent trolls and I ask that you watch these videos below, hear their stories and help end violence against women . We can start by ending this violence spree against women as is happening in NYC

I stand in solidarity with StopAntisemites and echo their calls to protect women and Jews from these bigoted assaulters and to bring said assaulters to justice:

NYC PUNCHING FACE UPDATE: remember, Skiboky Store, the lunatic caught on video on 11/2023 chasing Jews, screaming "You're gonna die ... die Jews die"?

He's the SAME guy punching young women in the face throughout NYC.

Why is this criminal free to roam the streets of NYC?

If the same people who rightfully or wrongfully forced StopAntiSemtism to remove their Tweet linking Wokeness (I.e DEI) to Anti Semetism (which since the Oct 7 2023 attack on Israel by Hamas and subsquent anti Israel sentiment mostly by DEI laden woke academia has gained traction as a theory amongst those same radlib Jews who once denied such a supposed link)  also wrongly try to get this Tweet removed by stopantisemetism, it means that some of my comrades might get the idea that "our society is even more anti women than I could have imagined  and it would also mean that Judaism has been corrupted by Liberal 3.0ers of all religions, ethnicities, races who larp as Jews (such as the ADL , WJC etc if this were true only)"

Of course I won't say that even if but it would look fishy none the less if said hypothetical censorship of StopAntisemites by other Jewish organizations for rightfully criticizing women being assaulted. Sorry I am not Anti Jewish, I am Jewish by blood and religion, but no persons or group of persons is 100 percent pure. Only Jesus is pure. Jews are not above criticism just like Christians, Mormons, hardcore Atheists, Humanist Agnostics who won't be saved one day are not above criticism.  (I do not however criticize normal atheists or softcore Atheists nor do I criticize Humanist Agnostics who will at least scrape being saved one day)  I am against the anti semetic attacks happening around the country too and we should also end attacks on Jews too.  We have an epidemic of anti Jewish violence and anti women violence that needs to end.  Remember the quote from 1984: First they came for?   Never again should we allow anyone of any group be attacked for any reason , especially the ones who face double oppression like women and Jews

Regardless we have to go with Andrea Dworkin's ideas here or implement a YPJ model for our country or green inclusive post feminism leftist ideas expressed here by Witch Hazel to fix our society's anti womanish and sexism as a last resort if we have trouble tearing down patriarchy 

More of this stuff here 

To the New York city women abusers, why did you do what you did? Your attacks were 1000 percent unprovoked and as low as you can get. You have to stop doing this to people. If convicted prison should be used to reform you. But I am not idealist, I am a Marxist materialist so I say you need to fight for your class and not against women or anyone else (in prison if convicted) . I don't hate you but I hate what you did to these women. Shame on you anti women trolls


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