Crime in NYC is sexist Part 2 perspective

The real reason these women are being assaulted in NYC is not due to crime or BIPOC persons/Muslims, or migration but due to the fact that men exist and that our society is male patriarchal and built on anti women and anti feminity structures .  I echo similar perspectives here

Though NYC's extremely bad and soft on crime criminal justice system who wrongly allows predators and other serial criminal thugs to be released time and time again like this monster was (and with their pussified bond laws to boot) is almost as big of a reason but fixing that and making NYC like Rudy Guilaini wants on crime would only mask the real threat to women in NYC, Europe etc: MEN

So the way I see it, the problem is not really criminals or migrants , but rather the problem is men of all colors, religions/irreligions, statuses, identities etc.  

Men of all colors, religions/irreligions, statuses, identities etc.are greater scope and greatest threat to women in NYC, Europe, everywhere.  So the migrants, serial criminals and BIPOC persons/Muslims who attack and abuse women are doing so not due to their identity or  but due to the fact they are men. 

If we had deportations galore, closed borders etc (like the Bad Bedford Falls where George Bailey wasn't born in in A Wonderful Life), these women in NYC and elsewhere would still be attacked and abused ,but it would be from some white John Doe from Ohio doing it instead of a BIPOC person, criminal lifestyle thug or Muslim or illegal migrant doing it. 

 As long as the patriarchy is in place women will continue to be at risk for sexist attacks like these from men of all colors, statuses, identities etc. Even in tough on crime areas, men wrongly get off easy for abuse on women just like NYC since our society is patriarchal and built on anti womenism/ anti feminist structures

Its better to report these things instead of making a big fuss of it. But if these women were Jews of any gender being attacked by neo nazis and they posted it on tik tok like above, would that be taken so casually by the MSM as these are?

The dude who attacked these women should be in jail to trial or at worst have a 100,000 bond set. dude kept getting released and that is a crack in our system. ANyone who did what he did is a risk to offend again.

I want these punchers to tell me why they punched these women so I can understand them. Not that I think these women deserved to be attacked


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