I am a Rachel Cargle acolyte (work in progress)

I support Rachel Cargle and all her views on race, gender, and more. If she isn't woke enough for colleges, Big Tech corporations or liberals then it is time we defund Academia or maybe outright shut colleges that are Anti Rachel Cargle down to prevent further racial hatred (since being against Rachel Cargle and her views is racist and also is anti white since she isn't anti white like the liberal rich bourgeois uptown DC-San Fran-LA-Noo Yawk elites.

Rachel Cargle is more pro black than 99.9999999 percent of white people in the US, Canada, Australia (captain obvious), Europe (captain obvious), South America, Asia (captain obvious) etc

Any liberal or so called leftist who criticizes Rachel Cargle and her views from the left or who smears her and her methods as not being woke enough or not being anti white or for her promoting positiveness and unity instead of extreme divisiveness that woke academia sows every where it rears its ugly held, etc is nothing but a woke racist fascist who is mentally ill and who generally hates whites. Such scum who are Anti Rachel Cargle are almost as bad and racist as the Nazis and racists on the right. 

We need to make sure such extremist woke punks do not get hired at any meaningful job . Their hatred is just as bad as MAGA's hatred and that is the truth











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