Teresa Stone is a cold blooded murderer let's put her back in prison where she belongs (w.i.p)

Teresa Stone should have been sentenced to at least 20 years in prison or 15 to life. She is a cold blooded murderer who committed 1st degree murder. She hired someone to kill her husband. To only give her a slap on the wrist (8 years in prison) is a major miscarriage of justice and undermines our whole legal system. 

I am going to force Teresa Stone to go back to prison, this time for 10 to 15 years so she can finally pay for her crimes. If I have to use blackmail on the Missouri police, DA, bribery or put her in a dungeon myself I will do so

Teresa Stone had her lover who helped her kill her husband, were planning to kill another person. Teresa Stone should be retried based on that charge since that charge wasn't included in her deal. We also need to get a NON woke oversight to reverse the slap on the wrist, sweet heart deal given to Teresa Stone and do a retrial and make her sentence if convicted a minimum of 12 years. 

The DA and Judge who gave her their sweetheart deal are woke morons, and this type of Wokeness we see allows murderers to walk amongst us. This type of legal Wokeness has to end and God so help me I will make it end , I will do whatever it takes to make it so

It is actually illegal and against our constitution to give only 8 years for first degree murder. 

The hard truth is , a big reason Teresa Stone got a sweetheart slap on the wrist was because she had a pussy and the Judge, the prosecution team etc were so horny they let their dicks not their minds dictate to them what her sentence should be. Those pigs

Because Teresa Stone is a white woman she got a slap on the wrist. If she was a BIPOC woman or a male (white or BIPOC) she would have been in prison for at least 10 years more if not for life. We need to stop giving female murderers like this deranged, white Karen c*nt sweetheart deals and slaps on the wrist. By doing so the legal system is wrongly saying that women aren't strong enough to serve in prison or that their kids need them because they have a fucking pussy. That my friends is sexist

She brainwashed her kids to ask the woke Judge in this case for mercy. Her kids are almost as bad as her for that. 

“Losing my dad was extremely hard, but losing my mom would be harder” wth is wrong with this family, your mother helped murder your father, he didn’t die in some tragic car accident, this whole case and the response from the family including his mother and his kids is just beyond bizarre and sick and twisted. Hey you stupid kid, you lost your dad because your murderer mother killed him. Are you that stupid you don't get that or are you just brainwashed by your scumbag mother?

8 years for plotting your husband’s murder. That is not justice

Yeah, & what the mother said about her own son in a televised interview....my Gawd!  So glad I don't have a mother like that.

I agree! That bothered me so much.  Poor randy! "My mom going to jail to face the consequences of her own choices to murder my dad is worse than my dad being murdered." Also, randy is dead.  She is going away for at most c 8 years so they literally meant her being alive but gone 8years is worse than him being dead .

It just seems to fit the general pattern of modern times - so I(she, he) made a mistake.  What's the big deal.  People now take responsibility without really taking any responsibility.  They make themselves out to be the victim.  Unfortunately I think they really believe it.

Randy Stone's mother had dementia. I mean why else would that old fool support a slap on the wrist of the woman who murderered her son? Randy Stone was a good husband and if his stupid mother actually wrongly believes disinformation that her son somehow deserved to die, I will find that old geezer mother of his and make her pay for thinking such thoughts

Randy's mother has dementia and she needs to pay for what you said she said. She is a stain on our country and almost as bad as Teresa. I feel sorry for Randy having a morally deprived, brain dead mother and a evil, heartless, disgusting murderer  of a wife and children who are brainwashed. I feel like punching Randy's mom for what you said she said (in her face)

We shouldn't have prisons or jails (I support prison abolishment, see here) but as long as we do, if you do the crime you must pay the time. We must be consistent within our legal system otherwise it will be chaos and injustice


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