
Showing posts from November, 2023

Lib rulzlzlz

 A form a Liberalism that imagines freedom without the entanglements of bondage and liberty, without the proprietorial conceptions of self and that doesn't plague the great A form of liberalism with freedom independent of constraint, personhood, and autonomy that is separate from the sanctity of property and the proprietorial notions of the self.  Sadiya Hartman +  Heideggerianism  focused type of  Fourth Political theory subscriber  ideology + Mean Green Degrowth Captain Planeteerism + Chilean social liberalism (LPoC 2013-)  based on an alternate history early 19th century Liberalism that was  Market Oriented Left Libertarian Classical Liberalism  instead of the Liberalism it was in our reality + Liberal 1.0 ism  including  Classical Liberalism + No Labels Populism Particracy  fused with  Fourth Way  with elements of  Liberal Nationalist Democratic Patriotism + Gandhian economics   (centering around the values of trusteeship, human dignity and equality, has been viewed as an alter


 As a leftist (left of the Democratic Party), as a real leftist would I criticize the Democrats/Libs from the left like they criticize the Republican GOP Conservatives from the left. But I do so in a way that feels like I am criticizing them from the left unlike when Left Wing Populists do so (though left wing redditsphere does this pretty much but not like I strive to do) So I oppose  Progressive Nice Racism I oppose Media Matters ignoring liberals' bigotry like from Joy Reid in favor of piling on right of center commentators like Laura Ingraham, and Tucker Carlson (source: Ecn Brittanica) I oppose the Liberals and Democrats mentioned by Conservapedia who act like right wingers/hypocrites (even if what Conpedia said even is barely true or misguided on that I still stand by this. Democrats and Libs should not do things which even Conservapedia can twist to make them look right wing and hypocritical) Conservative Barbie Lauren Southern and MAGA Fusion Populist Jackson Hinkle who peo

Kerr in SMKart 64


At the same time, I do acknowledge that Euro-centric science does have a downside in its tendency to reject non-European methods (like some medicine) out of hand regardless of its effectiveness.  Your average white doctor likely isn't going to know how to treat culturally specific medical/mental conditions such as Dhat syndrome, but such things are still the scientific field even if the methods are worth challenging. Though all that existed before science also and it is not unique to the European culture. Science does of course have a lot of limitations and i do not think that the scientific method is even applicable to humans (psychology is seen by some to be pseudoscientific and not very useful) However,  I think a lot of the critique about science neglects that there is some degree of progress that is being made. We would never have gotten to the Moon if we didn’t understand something about our world. Yes white culture has been influenced by scientific thought. It's slightly


Americans valuing the aims of other countries (like Ukraine [see here , here , here , here , also seen with Westerners commodification of Ukraine flags as social media avatars, home decorations etc], Russia [see here , here / here , here , here  also including Misty is V Putin's Buddy, Sameera Khan etc], China [see here , here  and here ], Taiwan, EU) over the aims of the US, by pressuring the US military industrial complex or Neoliberal soft power to further the aims of their fandom country due to solidarity, commonality or any similar reasons

Exxc dldlfdfdl

The people of any race, ethnicity, religion/irreligion who caused the socioeconomic issues that Jews are WRONGLY, FALSELY and SENSELESSLY blamed for and whom the coastal Conservatives and Coastal Liberals who are Pro Jewish KNOW from experience are the true culprits for the things Jews are wrongly, falsely and senselessly scapegotated for see  for more


The anti working class bourgeoisie Marxism's strongman hold the working class which will destroy it Pro Capitalist bourgeoisie Marxism (i.e Ma rxian Ca pital ism ) The type of Capitalism that German SDP member August Bebel opposed Marxism and Social Science Springer › content › pdf 'Marxism without socialism' is a strange destination for a critical social theory but it may prove to be the terminus for Marxism's account of the welfare ...





   Deep State


Toga Flier

Exh ew9ew0eru

Leaves Nome atm

K Carson not fred durst

 Skip to main contentTurn off continuous scrolling Accessibility help Accessibility feedback Google "new class","kevin carson" Images Videos News Shopping Maps Books Flights Finance All filters Tools SafeSearch About 6,490 results (0.23 seconds)  Building the Structure of the New Society Within the Shell ... The Anarchist Library › library › kevin-carson... Mar 22, 2005 — As corporate liberalism (aka “Progressivism”) evolved in the U.S., the New Class was simply adopted as a junior partner by the capitalist class. kevin carson | be you. - a quiet revolution › kevin-carson ” Carson holds that “Capitalism, arising as a new class soc

Sherloculck she got it

  I agree with her woke anti idpol view above. I am woke anti idpol just like amybun93 is woke anti idpol (though when I go off that anti idpol type of reservation at times, I see idpol through the SLS subreddit lense As can be seen in my other blog spheres below on the whole idpol scene 1) 2) new single digit # between 2 and 3 without taking the value away from any other single digit number) (work in progress/under construction) 3)  coming soon an idpol section until then:

Peace 2 all no fight

What a side? Alumnislide

Fashion bitezzz

relly weoweioew

Exh t5334dfdiu

Exh pecemiwp


I am an  Abolitionist   (  abolitionist) I am an Egalitarian “The entanglements of bondage and liberty shaped the liberal imagination of freedom, fueled the emergence and expansion of capitalism, and spawned proprietorial conceptions of the self. This vexed genealogy of freedom plagued the great” Saidiya Hartman The longstanding and intimate affiliation of liberty and bondage made it impossible to envision freedom independent of constraint or personhood and autonomy that was/is separate from the sanctity of property and proprietorial notions of the self.  I believe that equality is more important than (and comes before) freedom (including intrinsic freedom) I support the pursuit of greater egalitarianism in our society in order to increase the distribution of skills, capacities and productive endowments . I support my combined economic systems (which naturally acheive income equality) as the means to achieve this. On lifestyle choices, I take no stand on the personal, social, or cultur

Podemos and co feminism

Politics cannot be understood without its feminism. We should place a special emphasis on constructing feminist discourse and action to play a big role in our political parties.  We need to link with different leftist feminist movements  I support autonomous feminist strikes to advance equality between women and men. I support overthrowing the male/female order of things in the US and an alternative future with a greater presence of a feminist agenda and inevitably with a greater presence of women in all areas of our society (once we overthrow the the male/female order of things) I support fourth wave feminist things to ensure this including ending sexist/sexual violence, fixing the care system by committing to a feminist economy.   I support the  diversity of families, motherhood, the right to conciliation also from feminism or the need to point out how all of the essential care and social reproduction work fell invisibly on the shoulders of women . Feminism defending BIPOC and Transg

Based ueweuuw

I support some forms of Queer Nationalism (i.e Left wing Nationalisms that have Queer factions). Sparatan homosexuality of Futurism is base.


  Queer/gay  views (When I say gay or Queer I also mean Lesbian except when noted otherwise) My Hyperreality political views of mine blog sphere Queer views My MyTrueandRealPoliticalViews blog sphere Queer views My  My Private Polck Viewpoints blog sphere Queer views My AtHeartViewpointsOfMeeee blog sphere  Queer views My ToRepoConMenWomen blog sphere  Queer views My views on Queer rights  in general I support one's right to follow their conscience in matters of sexuality  I also love the "Be gay, do crime" slogan.  That slogan is anti neoliberal and anti authoritarian and it implies that gays doing criminal and incivil acts may be necessary to obtain equal rights for gays everywhere (since being gay is still criminalized in many places around the world)   Queer Anarchists can trace this type of bold method back to the Stonewall riots where gay protestors back then used the same methods to try to obtain equal rights for gays I also support the Max Stirner inspired bran


Some more political theories I support: 1) I support the Red AuthLeft Union Fourth Political Theory is an  A n ti Li be ra l / Post Liberal ideology  AND  2) I support the 19th Political Theory The 19th Political Theory is: A cultural Left Wing  Autarchism  multi tendency political theory with social tolerance and left economic populism. along with an intellectual persuasion. This theory also tacks illiberal on a few sociocultural issues  This political theory is very similar to  Le ft C o mmu nis m , Polcompball   Alt Left / Socialist type of Left Alt Lite  and Jungian ideology ) which seeks to defeat " Left " is t   Wi n g i sh  instead of Liberalism. Fo urth Poli tical The ory seeks to defeat Liberalism instead of Left Wing ideology  I am a Left Wing Anti Communist and Anti-communist Anarchist and due to me being anti-civ and pro green anarchism.  I critique communism for its need of industrialisation and its perceived authoritarianism So I am critical of authoritari


Left Libertarian ish  Mutu alism including: Libertarian Market Socialism Da r k   Mu tu a li s m   ideology  including my Private off the record political blog sphere type of   Da rk   Mutua lism   thought based on Kantian Anarc hism Hyperlane Mutualism  (including this type of Mutualism ) Neo - Proudhonianism J Peron-Xi [Jinping] Hyperosis Mutualism Social Mutualism Sorelism Mutualism   Post-Left Mutualism Collapse Primary  Anti-Civilization   Insurrectionary Anarchism   Gift Economy   Mutualism  Post-Civilization Secondary   Counter-Economics   Nanofactory Economy   Post-Anarchism   Post-Autonomism   Post-Situationism This is thus basically Small Tent Progressivism  with a blee ding hea rt  

Based spaclsdld



  Pregressive Upside-Down   Classic Social Democracy   Alternate History Rosa Luxumberg led USSR 1924-19?? ideology