Collection we are all oppresse d hstfclly

 "But before the overhaul, the company’s algorithms and policies did not make a distinction between groups that were more likely to be targets of hate speech versus those that have not been historically marginalized. Comments like “White people are stupid” were treated the same as anti-Semitic or racist slurs."

I guess that white people haven't been historically marginalized, but according to Washington Post and Facebook, we can always start ...  White people were on the margins of Eurasia for a thousand years

This is the magical variable placeholder that is used to justify any amount of revanchist political action undertaken in modern times

Simply choose an arbitrary time period and place that when the group who is in question was powerful, and then claim to be positioned athwart history to balance the scales. The more radical the action you choose to undertake today, the more powerful opposite point you choose in the past.

But the truly cringe part is that you can do this for any other discrete id groups around today. "Jews" weren't constantly some marginalized, disempowered group of people if we use the context of Western history,to give one example. And you see where this is going.

The "Whites have never have been historically oppressed" angle is seen by some leftists as Anglo-centrism; 

The UK was at the oceanic edge of Europe, very far away from non-Whites, and only surrounded by White countries who were also only surrounded by other White countries. The UK, thus could never possibly have been oppressed like BIPOC were by another race due to geography.

Now situation in Ireland (and the situation in Bosnia in the 1990s, what the Slavic people went through in NDSAP Germany, Eastern European Germans in the 1940s, sevderal minorities in the USSR) don't count as 'whites being oppressed' to some Liberal 2.0 wokies for some weird reason

The Irish, Slavs, Armenians, Greek and Italians have been historically marginalized and they are white.

It isn't really even Anglo centrism about the above 'whites marginalized' comments above.. The British of all people were nearly an extinct group of people through conquest by the Romans, and Vikings. British people were actually enslaved by Barbary pirates . At one point in history, the Irish people actually owned English slaves and at another the English themselves owned Irish slaves.

Ireland being the apex of the slave trade in the British Isles and England being a huge supply source (It was the biggest market as well before William I thankfully and rightfully outlawed it and replaced it with serfdom) for said trade was really cited as an excuse for Anglo-Norman Intervention. 

This was a portion of the reason that Henry II got a papal sanction to take over Ireland as both a method to prevent ambitious Norman lords from becoming rivals and also to secure future lands for John to Inherit.

So it does not genuinely count if the people killing another group of people have the same complexion as them , am I right? 

Thus maybe that is the reason that to Liberal 2.0ers and to a much lesser extent leftists, the African slave traders get a pass?

Now Liberal 2.0ers and even a few Liberal 2.0 larping Leftists love spouting "white people are racist, and every type of racism flows from white people. All that appears to be evil in the world flows from the white man/woman. They actually are responsible for all things that happen". That's the most vital princple of that stupid Social Justice Theology jumbo

from blog 2

Lots of different races and ethnicites that were previously considered 'non white' were brought into whiteness and are now considered white. These include Jews, Italians, Spanish, Irish, Slavs, Gypsies, Hispanics (to a lesser extent)

I wonder if blacks, like those races and ethnicities above one day will also be brought into whiteness and considered white. 

This would especially happen if people from our planet are visited by extra terrestrial intelligent life beings from other planets who are of a race or ethnicity not found on Earth

I mean with Asians being declared officially white, and Latinos/Latinas well on their way in the direction of graduating from quantum white status, it won't be long until we'll be all the way back to true equality! Whiteness for everyone!  Future (if radlib woke people get their way): Race is a bad social construct, however there is one race that is ultimate one (since everyone would be considered white)  (Though I actually heard some radlib woke people on Tumblr years back talk about the Kurds like they were the ultimate race : r/SyrianCirclejerkWar is leaking /s)

I actually see something similar to this, so I made a post about that here

And similar points to the above one here, here, here, here


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