
Showing posts from February, 2024

Blooarg Nav page

 Blog nav page for this sum up blog sphere that aren't found in the 'Me in a nutshell' blog front page: Drug views (work in progress) Unsorted links to random posts

Reviving the 1980s gangsta Hip Hop scene is a great way to end the opoid crisis and fentanyl crisis

 Gangsta Hip Hop in the 1980s helped end the Crack-Cocaine crisis of the 1970s and 1980s due to hip hop artists  bringing light to this issue and helping people learn how bad that stuff is.  It should be brought back now to end the Opoid-Fentanyl crisis the US has faced since the 2010s.

Stop these robbers

This girl should be banned from Walmart for at least 15 years. She should also be put in prison for a few months or at minimum be on house arrest or jail for a few months and then parole for 1 year in addition to forcing her to attend therapy and mental counseling (which she certainly needs) At minimum she should be banned from Walmart for at least 7 years and forced to pay for every everything she stole .If I find out she got to keep anything she stole without paying for it I will go to Athens Georgia, break into her home and steal what she stole but I will then return it to Walmart. I am serious. If the courts will allow her to steal and keep her stuff without paying for it, not only will I harass the judges and lawyers who allowed her to have that slap on the wrists at their homes 10 hours a day until they throw the book at this prick but I will take what she stole and return it to Walmart. Enough with this snowflake woke pussy coddling of kids today. I am laying my boots down and b

Debra Jo Hunter will pay

Debra Jo Hunter is a biological terrorist, inhumane, evil, psycho path, heartless, child abusing, abelist monster Karen for trying to kill that terminally ill cancer patient in Pier One years ago by coughing on her That terminally ill woman she coughed on is a nice, beautiful inspiring person and I will help that ill woman she coughed on to defeat her cancer and to live longer.  I am going to break into Debra Jo Hunter's home and steal and destroy her passport and visa and if that does not work I will go the State Department US HQ and I will force the State Department to deactivate her passport and visas forever along with me forcing homeland security to permanently ban her from leaving the US forever. I also plan on monitoring Debra Jo Hunter's social media accounts and every time she has a flight scheduled to another country, I will go to whatever airport she is flying out of and I will then physically prevent Debra Jo Hunter from boarding her flight , forcing her to miss her

We need tougher bond sentencing to stop crime and I will force the Democrats in Congress and Senate to do so no matter WHAT

 I support Joint Resolution 0859 . At minimum I believe that offenders who are released on bond for felony who commit 1 or more felonies while on bond or felons who after they have served time for charges relating to a previous bond who commit another felony should be held without ANY BOND automatically . We have a huge increase in crime throughout the US and it is because letting these repeat felons off on bond Oswaldo Corado should be in prison until trial after he shot a another person after being charged and released on bond while he awaits trial for 2 separate homicides I ask anyone who lives in Tennessee, if you find out that Oswald is released after shooting a third person, perform a citizens arrest on him and detain him in your basement until trial. If the ultra woke yankee Tennessee Barney Fife Tennessee cucks won't hold him in prison until trial you should override them and do it yourselves. There is no way on Earth Oswaldo should be walking free after killing 2 people an