We need tougher bond sentencing to stop crime and I will force the Democrats in Congress and Senate to do so no matter WHAT

 I support Joint Resolution 0859 . At minimum I believe that offenders who are released on bond for felony who commit 1 or more felonies while on bond or felons who after they have served time for charges relating to a previous bond who commit another felony should be held without ANY BOND automatically .

We have a huge increase in crime throughout the US and it is because letting these repeat felons off on bond

Oswaldo Corado should be in prison until trial after he shot a another person after being charged and released on bond while he awaits trial for 2 separate homicides

I ask anyone who lives in Tennessee, if you find out that Oswald is released after shooting a third person, perform a citizens arrest on him and detain him in your basement until trial. If the ultra woke yankee Tennessee Barney Fife Tennessee cucks won't hold him in prison until trial you should override them and do it yourselves. There is no way on Earth Oswaldo should be walking free after killing 2 people and now shooting a third. If Tennessee doesn't hold him in prison until his trial, they are insane, small minded, anti American ainmals who do not care about you, your family or the citizens of Tennessee

To let this monster go free makes me want to throw my laptop at the TV. 

The fact that there is a subset of the lib 2.0 msm and libertarian left who champion 'bail reform' to allow monsters like him to go free is almost as bad as what the MAGA politicians do. Even some actual leftists (not the bail reform libs) do make good points on bail reform and some Neocons are right enough where they realize bail is a poor issue mostly, it is completely naive and just enables felons to keep doing crimes over and over leading to surges in crime.  

So bail reform is the main reason for crime spikes.  I agree below



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